Upholstery fabrics
Our factory is supplied by the best Italian leather manufacturers. Tanneries with which we are cooperating are the companies with many years of experience which cooperate with furniture manufacturers all over the world. During the production process, every leather parts is going through detailed check by professional employees, in order to eliminate every imperfections, thanks to this control You are receiving the high quality end product.
The best Italian leathers
Our factory is supplied by the best Italian leather manufacturers. Tanneries with which we are cooperating are the companies with many years of experience which cooperate with furniture manufacturers all over the world. During the production process, every leather parts is going through detailed check by professional employees, in order to eliminate every imperfections, thanks to this control You are receiving the high quality end product.
In our furniture You have build in mechanisms which allows You to adjust backrest angle, seating angle as well as sliding out footrest in a way to give You the best comfort. Movable headrests or additional pillows are one of many conveniences which we are using. We pay particular attention to seat comfort, using the high quality foams.

Upholstery furniture
We come from the region, that always has been associated with furniture for a big scale. Swarzędz and surroundings were (and still are) a place where polish furniture manufacture was an inspiration for other parts of Poland. Among this furniture and design basin ( among others because of Faculty of Industrial Design on Academy of Fine Arts), 35 years ago our factory has been created. We are cooperating with many showrooms. You can find our furniture in Polish and foreign showrooms.

For many of us functionality is the basis. We put an effort that beside high seating comfort there were high comfort of lying or sleeping. Build in sleep function helps us to quickly transform our corner sofa into a comfortable bed.

Handy bar
There is always situation, where our favorite drink, newspaper, book or laptop becomes handy. We have met the demand by making the handy bar or locker. It is the proposition especially for module furniture. The additional convenience is the shelf, which can be used as a little table for our laptop.
All movable parts in our furniture, like armrest or headrest will allow You to adjust the product to Your body ergonomics, to the most optimal relax position. Adjustable headrest is one of the most important parts of furniture, mainly because without relaxed neck muscles we cannot talk about good relax at all. The same reasoning is with good support in armrest.

You should unpack the furniture without using any sharp objects. If needed You should use the manual attached to the furniture. During placing and relocating the furniture You should hold it by the solid fixed parts o construction. The furniture should not be pushed on the floor because furniture legs can damage the floor surface. Unpacked product should be put into a shape and removed with any fabric creases which occurred during transportation. It will faster obtain the expected shape. The furniture needs dry and indoor places, far from sunlight and heating. In case of any doubts please read carefully our warranty card or call directly our service department.
Genuine leather and fabrics, to preserve its long-life and fancy appearance, have to be systematically maintained. Not longer than 2 months since the purchase we have to remove dust and clean the furniture with the product recommended by ALWES COLLECTIONS and leave to dry. Furniture surface should be also impregnated with product recommended by the manufacturer and leave it to dry.
Rozpakowanie mebla po dostarczeniu
- Mebel należy rozpakować nie używając przy tym żadnych ostrych narzędzi.
- W razie konieczności montażu należy skorzystać z instrukcji dostarczonej wraz z meblem.
- Podczas ustawiania oraz przenoszenia mebla należy trzymać go za sztywne i twarde elementy konstrukcyjne.
- Należy unikać przesuwania mebli po podłodze. Nóżki mogą porysować powierzchnię podłogi lub być narażone na uszkodzenie.
- Mebel wypakowany należy uformować i usunąć zagniecenia wynikłe z transportu. Szybciej nabierze oczekiwanego kształtu.
- Mebel potrzebuje suchych, zamkniętych pomieszczeń z dala od promieni słonecznych i źródeł ciepła.
W razie jakichkolwiek wątpliwości prosimy zapoznać się z treścią naszej karty gwarancyjnej lub zadzwonić bezpośrednio do naszego DZIAŁU SERWISU.